Falcon Equipment Rentals Ltd. puts the health and safety of our workers, customers, contractors, and visitors above all else. We are committed to providing our clients with the highest quality products and services, and believe our people are our single most important resource. Accordingly, the safety of our workers, contractors, and the public is of the utmost importance.

It is our goal to minimize our workers’ exposure to the risks, and hazards associated with our operation, including the protection and maintenance of the health and safety of workers (physical, psychological, and social well-being). We accomplish this through on-going hazard analysis, communication, and training; providing our workers with the skills and knowledge required to perform their jobs efficiently and with reduced risk. To ensure that Falcon Equipment Rentals Ltd. maintains a safe work environment for all workers, visitors, contractors, sub-contractors, and remains in compliance with all applicable health and safety legislation, an ongoing program, consisting of the following elements will be
Ø Employee education
Ø Hazard identification
Ø Inspection
Ø Investigations
Ø Promotion of Health and Safety program always
COR Designation
The Falcon Equipment Rentals Ltd. health and safety program is evaluated annually and have maintained an Alberta COR (Certificate of Recognition) since 2018. As health and safety is always evolving, Falcon Equipment Rentals takes pride in staying up to date with latest in Occupational Health and Safety, as well as the Alberta Commercial Transportation regulations; these are key to helping maintain a safe work environment.
Safety Memberships
Falcon Equipment Rentals Ltd. maintains memberships in both ComplyWorks and ISN for clients to have easy access to our safety program when they need.
How Falcon Equipment Rentals Mitigates COVID-19 Risks
To prevent and/or limit the spread of the COVID-19 virus in community-based settings such as our workplace/business, we have implemented the following risk mitigation principles and measures
We Discourage People Who Are Ill from Entering Our Workplace/Business
- We strengthen communication strategies for employees, clients, customers
- We require that employees stay at home if ill with symptoms of COVID-19 until criteria to discontinue isolation have been met, in consultation with the local public health authority or healthcare provider
- We adjust personal/sick leave policies to enable employees to stay home when ill, undergoing COVID-19 testing, in quarantine (self-isolation), or if they are taking care of children or someone who is ill
- We post accessible signage to discourage employees/clients who are ill from entering the workplace/business setting
- If feasible, we consider asking clients if they are ill or have symptoms of COVID-19 before they enter the workplace/business setting or when making appointments, and ask clients who are ill to not attend the workplace/business
- We keep our employees informed about public health advice applicable to our workplace/business
- We promote the use of personal practices (e.g., frequent hand hygiene, avoid touching the face, respiratory etiquette, clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces with approved products)
- We post signage that reminds employees/clients to practice these measures, ensuring that it is appropriate for the employees'/clients' age, ability, reading level and language preferences
- We provide increased access to hand hygiene facilities (e.g. by placing hand sanitizer dispensers in easy to see locations) and ensure accessibility for employees/clients with disabilities or other accommodation needs
- We promote increased environmental cleaning and disinfecting of employees' work environments (e.g., provide sanitizing wipes so employees can clean and disinfect their own workstations)
- We support and encourage employees to take care of their mental health
- If possible, we reduce all physical contact by enabling telework (e.g., work from home, use of email and teleconferencing)
- We adopt a contact-less business model (e.g., drive-through, delivery, curbside pickup)
- We establish 2 metre separation between employees and/or clients (e.g., desks, workstations, restaurant tables, or in meeting rooms)
- We avoid multi-person meetings by using video conferencing technology where possible
- We restrict occupant capacity of indoor spaces to reduce crowding
- In narrow hallways or aisles, we encourage unidirectional travel where possible
- We use visual cues to encourage 2 metre distance (e.g., accessible signage, floor markings)
- We reinforce general practices to maintain physical distancing, such as avoiding greetings like handshakes
- We identify a space where employees or clients can be isolated from others if they develop symptoms and are not able to leave the facility
We Create Physical Barriers When Physical Distancing Is Not Possible
We install physical separations between employees/clients (e.g. physical barriers like a plexiglass window or cubicle higher than head-height)
We Increase Ventilation
- We open windows if possible and if weather permits
- We move work outside when possible
We Mitigate Risks from Exposure to High-touch Surfaces
- We increase frequency of environmental cleaning and disinfecting, especially of high touch surfaces or equipment (e.g., shared photocopier, elevator buttons, cash register, washrooms)
- We reduce the number of common surfaces that need to be touched (e.g., prop doors open, no-touch waste containers)
- We restrict access to non-essential shared equipment
- We clean and disinfect essential shared equipment before and after use
- We offer contactless payment methods (i.e., minimize use of cash), if possible
Mitigate Risk for People at Higher Risk of More Severe Disease or Outcomes
- We provide equitable workplace accommodations (e.g., role/task reassignment), if possible, for employees who have risk factors for severe disease or outcomes
- We provide special accommodations for clients from vulnerable groups (e.g., dedicated shopping hours for seniors)
- We consider modifying service delivery (e.g., reducing the number of clients using services at the same time, providing services outdoors)
- We close or restrict access to non-essential common areas
- We stagger work hours or work days to reduce number of contacts
- We postpone non-essential meetings or travel